Episode 3 - Dating at a Distance


Dating at a Distance

This week, guest co-host Betsy Morris, founder and editor of GoodBetterNext and I hear and discuss the story of “Kerrie.”

Kerrie fell into a long distance relationship after having been divorced for about five years. While the relationship did not last, it taught her some important lessons that she maintains to this day. You’ll want to read Betsy’s latest blog post at GoodBetterNext! Find it Here: How to Thrive in a Long Distance Relationship

We’ll also hear Betsy’s own story. She is currently in a long distance relationship and has found ways to make that not just work, but thrive.

This Week’s Guest Co-Host

Betsy Morris,

Founder GoodBetterNext.com

Betsy Morris is a yogi, logophile, and lover of God with a passion for health and wholeness. When not exercising her body and soul, Betsy enjoys girl trips, the discipline of journaling, and eating dark chocolate with a glass of red wine, which she insists is medicinal. A soon-to-be empty nester, Betsy is the divorced mother of 3 human children and the dog mom of one golden-doodle who’d prefer to Netflix-and-chill than join Betsy for a run. Her University of Texas psychology degree and Master’s in Social Work as well as her own personal experience overcoming the heartache of marital infidelity underlie her compassion for women struggling to reinvent themselves following the end of a long-term marriage.

Betsy’s goals include authoring a memoir, removing self-imposed limits, and making a successful dive into the wonderful world of online dating. She and her adorable ‘doodle live in San Antonio where Betsy does her own yard work and tries not to overthink everything.


Episode 4 - Dating by the numbers


Episode 2 - Rebound Relationships