Guest Host with Hoyt Prisock

Do you have an interesting perspective on a topic our listeners might want to explore? Consider joining host Hoyt Prisock for an engaging hour of conversation designed to enlighten, educate, inspire and motivate men and women who find themselves looking for love in the second half of life.

Over the course of two seasons our discussions have ranged from rebound relationships to attachment styles in dating to getting comfortable in the “discomfort zone” of the online dating world.

Our listeners are intelligent and curious. But often, when it comes to seeking romance, they can be their own worst enemies. Our job (as we see it) is to unravel the mysteries of personal relationships — starting with ourselves.

If you are a counselor, therapist or researcher committed to helping men and women over 40 understand themselves and others more deeply, let’s talk.

Even if you just have an idea you think we should address, I’d love to hear from you.

